Webshop, UX Case Study

Webshop Informatique

"Responsive and New look and feel"


Informatique is a store with a wide range of technological products, notebooks, pc components, network equipment, games, etc. They own two 'physical stores' and have a webshop where users can find information about products and buy products. However, the webshop was not modern enough, had a messy layout, not responsive, and generally speaking, couldn't compete with the webshops of competitors. All this resulted in a loss of potential income.

The challenge

Redesign the webshop of Informatique, with a significant focus on usability, to increase their income.

November 2015 - Februari 2016
My role
  • Research
  • Ideation
  • wireframing
  • Testing
  • Ui designing
  • Frontend development


Heuristic evaluation

I began the research phase with a heuristic evaluation. Based on the ten heuristics of Nielsen, I made an evaluation plan to judge the webshops' compliance with these recognized usability principles. The assessment gave me insights into the positive aspects of the webshop and the points of improvement. Based on the same heuristics, I also performed competitor analyses to measure the effectiveness of Informatique compared to the other webshops.

Unfortunately, I don't have access to the research data anymore. So I can't show any insights.

User research

Informatique has a significant customer/user base. To get a general idea about the different types of users and different needs these users have, I created a survey.

In the end, 50 users filled in the survey. Based on the data from the surveys, I demographically segmented three user types: 20-30 year, 40-50 year, 60+.

Unfortunately, I don't have access to the research data anymore. So I can't show any insights, but below is one example of a created persona.

Bert Verbruggen
information reader Age: 52 Living situation: Married, no children Work: System administrator

Bert Verbruggen is a 52-year-old man living in 'Steenbergen' together with his wife, Gerdien. They never got children and don't have any pets. Bert has a significant interest in computers and new technology. He works at Peak IT as a system administrator. When a server goes down, or a colleague has issues with his/her laptop, Bert is the man to call!

"I constantly read new information to stay informed about all the new technological developments!"

In his free time, Bert likes to read information about computers and new technology. One of his favorite sites to read and learn about (new) technology is Informatique. Bert knows that he has to make a constant effort to stay informed about all the latest technological developments. Besides his interest in technology, he likes to play soccer. Every Saturday afternoon, you can find Bert on the pitch. As a CB, he is the last line of defense. Just like at Peak IT, when it all goes down, Bert to the rescue!

  • Interest in (new) technology
  • Likes sports, mainly soccer
  • To stay informed about all the latest technological developments
  • Reading information about computers and components
  • Ordering computer components and accessories

Sketching and wireframing

To build a solid structure and navigation flow before going all out with visual mockups, I made wireframes. Firstly lose sketches and then more detailed wireframes.

Lose sketches

Digital wireframes

Usability testing

To measure the effectiveness of the webshop and the extent to which the redesign meets the needs of the users, I performed a usability test. Feedback gained from the analysis were implemented in the final results.

The results

The result of this project are mockups of a responsive website with a new look and feel, improved interaction, and improved usability. One of the improvements is the option to add multiple filters to a search query to find the product(s) you want efficiently. On the old webshop, the user could only use one filter per search query, which sometimes resulted in irrelevant search results. Another improvement is the presentation of information on the webshop. During interviews and in surveys, users pointed out that they're not only using the website to buy products but also use the webshop to read information about new and old products. On the redesigned webshop, new products get more attention by listing them in different sections (tips of the week, actions, etc.).


Product category page

Product page

Shopping card


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Newsroom templates

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Accessible website Fast@Home

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