SaaS, UX Case Study

Media Inquiries

"A structured approach to managing journalists and investor inquiries."


At Presspage, we noticed the challenges corporate communication professionals face when dealing with a high volume of incoming inquiries. The current process of managing inquiries through excel, notepad, or email inboxes can be overwhelming and time-consuming, causing teams to lack insights on the status, responsibilities, and impact of each inquiry. With this in mind, we set out to design a media inquiries tool that would streamline the process and enable corporate communicators to focus on what matters most. The final solution integrates seamlessly with other Presspage products, making the inquiry process more efficient and effective. By reducing the workload associated with incoming inquiries, Presspage is empowering corporate communicators to work more efficiently and focus on the things that matter.

The challenge

Communication professionals lack an efficient and effective method for managing media inquiries.

  • Product owner
  • Product manager
  • UX designer (me)
  • Development team
My role
  • Research
  • Design
  • Ideation


I assisted the Product Manager with conducting initial market research to evaluate the current landscape of inquiry management tools. The goal was to understand the features and functionalities of existing tools and determine if we could offer a better solution. Additionally, we reached out to our clients to gather insights on their current process for managing inquiries, including the volume they receive and any challenges they face. This research helped to inform our design strategy and ensure that our solution effectively addresses the needs of our target audience.

Challenging Volume
Public-facing organizations face a significant challenge in managing the high volume of inquiries they receive from reporters and members of the public.
Inefficient Systems
The current process of using group inboxes, excel sheets, or post-its to manage inquiries leads to a lack of visibility and organization, making it difficult to track the status of a ticket, assign responsibility, and manage deadlines.
Unclear Collaboration
With multiple users accessing the group inbox, it can be confusing to determine who is handling a particular ticket, leading to miscommunication and the need for manual handoff via email, call, or WhatsApp.
Inconsistent Responses
The repetitive nature of inquiries leads to users writing answers from scratch, resulting in inaccuracies and inconsistency in responses. Storing responses in word documents leads to poor UX and outdated information.
Approval Process
Complex inquiries often require approval from other stakeholders such as legal or executive teams. The process of sharing inquiries and draft responses with stakeholders, seeking approval, and incorporating feedback can be cumbersome and time-consuming.

Based on the insights gathered, there was a clear opportunity to design a media inquiry tool that addresses the challenges faced by users in managing inquiries. Our research showed that users experience a range of difficulties managing inquiries, and a media inquiry tool has the potential to greatly improve their efficiency and effectiveness. Although there are already several media inquiry tools available in the market, none of them offer the comprehensive capabilities that Presspage provides. By integrating media inquiry management into a workflow, Presspage offers a unique solution that can be seamlessly integrated with other products, such as CRM, to provide a complete and effective solution for managing media inquiries.

Agile development

I was excited to be part of the first project at Presspage where we decided to embrace an Agile development process. The goal was to have a first version of the media inquiry tool ready for users to use in a matter of just 3 to 6 sprints, each lasting 2 weeks. It was acknowledged that not every issue users were facing with managing inquiries could be resolved within this timeline, but the development team and I worked closely together to prioritize and determine what could be accomplished with the least effort and have the greatest impact. The result of this collaboration was the decision to make the first version of the media inquiry tool a logging tool. This would allow customers to manually log incoming inquiries into the tool, providing a valuable solution for those who currently rely on tools such as Excel or their email inboxes.


It's essential to prioritize user feedback and stakeholder input in the design process. We started with a minimal viable product (MVP) design, gradually adding functionality based on user and stakeholder feedback. The first production version was a logging tool, which was well received by a couple of users. Our sales team also noticed an increasing interest from potential clients in our media inquiry product. Based on user feedback, we learned that users who haven't yet used the tool wanted the ability to respond to inquiries directly in the tool. This valuable feedback has informed our next iteration, which will focus on incorporating this feature. Our goal is to continually improve the user experience by listening to and acting on user feedback.

Previous project

CRM Presspage

Next project

Webshop Informatique

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